Saturday, December 14, 2019

Application Deadline Reminders

I know many of you are still working on your college applications.  I wanted to remind you to please, watch your deadlines!  The December 1st deadline came during Thanksgiving break and I was sad by how many students I had contacting me or teachers (and your teachers then contacted me in a panic) on the day of the deadline asking for things at the last possible second.  If you are applying by Common App, I will answer the number one question I got last week - you can submit up until 11:59pm on the day of your deadline.  But really, you shouldn't push it until the last second!

If you are looking at a January 1st deadline you need to make sure that you have made arrangements with your teachers who will be writing your recommendation letters and provided them with all of the forms so that they can write your letter well before we leave for break. Remember, your teachers will be off enjoying their holiday break too so they won't be around to write a last-minute recommendation letter for you if you just "forgot."  And, in all sincerity, there is no such thing as a last-minute recommendation letter!  Your teachers put in a lot of time, energy and effort to write a strong letter on your behalf.  It is important to give them an adequate amount of time to successfully advocate for you as a student.  (Your goal should be to give them at least 30 days which has already passed for January deadlines...)  

Also, don't forget that you need to complete your transcript release form and invite me through Common App to submit your transcript and this should be done no later than this Friday in order to make sure I can get it taken care of before break.  Like you and your teachers, I will not be here during winter break to get a transcript for you so you must plan ahead.  

Probably the biggest challenge I have seen students struggling with over this application season is not inviting me through Common App to complete your school forms which is how I submit your transcript.  We talked about this in depth during the senior English class presentations and at the senior college night presentation, but in the recommendation section, you will need to select me as your counselor and submit my email address.  Please be sure that you spell my name right.  I am 100% current on all of the transcript requests I have received so far so if you log into Common App and you see that I haven't uploaded your transcript yet then you need to invite me to submit your transcript or if you think you have already done that then you need to come see me ASAP because there is a problem with your request!

If you have any questions about your upcoming deadlines or where you stand in your application process, please stop by to see me!  And can I say it again - please, do not procrastinate on your applications!  

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