Sunday, November 24, 2019

Pictures on Campus

I don't know about you, but I am so happy that this is only going to be a 2 day school week!
In talking with many of you recently, I know that some of you will be combining the Thanksgiving break with formal visits or informal stops on college campuses. Please remember that I would like to have a picture of you on EVERY campus that you step foot on - regardless of your intention to apply to that school or not.

I know that many students like to take pictures in front of campus signs and I love that too, but know that you can take a photo anywhere on campus.  So if you are on a pretty place of the college, snap a photo of you there and send it to me so that I can print it and post it on our Oh The Places You'll Go board.

I can't wait to see where all you visit and who will end up having the best stories about campuses that you get to see!  (This photo also features my niece, Carly, as she and I made the whole family drive around and explore the University of Hawaii when we were traveling last year at Christmas.)

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