Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Transcript Release Reminder

I wanted to remind everyone that if you are in the process of applying to college you need to make sure you fill out the transcript release form.  This process must be completed for EVERY college where you are applying!  The transcript release form is located a Google Form and there is a link to it on the WKHS Counselor website.

If you are applying to schools utilizing the Common Application or Send EDU, your transcript will be submitted electronically.  You will need to report me as your school counselor on the Recommendation page so that I am assigned the transcript data responsibility and given access to submit them on your behalf.  If you are unsure how to do this, bring your common app username and password to school with you after you have completed the majority of your application and we will fill out the assignment component together.  Transcripts uploaded to Common App and Send EDU are free of charge because we are not charged to use those systems.

If you are applying to schools that don't use the Common Application or Send EDU, we will send your transcript through an electronic system or by regular mail (depending on if they are a college that will accept them electronically or not).  There is a $1.00 fee for each of these transcripts you have requested.  

Some students have asked me if you have to be done with your applications to request your transcript and the short answer is no, but hopefully you will be close.  The one time that it doesn't matter if you are close or not is when we get close to winter break (which, believe it or not, is approaching quickly).  Remember, we are not at school over Christmas either, so if you are applying to colleges with a December 31st or January 1st deadline, you need to make sure that you have requested your transcript no later than December 9th to give us enough time to process and mail it in before your college application deadline.

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