Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Oh the Places You'll Go

Last week we updated the new "Oh, The Places You'll Go" display featuring pictures of students out on their college visits. I am thrilled with the pictures we have received already, but I also know that many of you have taken and are soon planning college visits and I hope that you will take a moment to capture a picture of you somewhere on the college campus. As a reminder, the picture can be anywhere at the college - a pretty place, in front of a cool building or an area where you expect to spend a lot of time, or, as seems to be the biggest hit - in front of a sign featuring the name of the college.

Sasha Estice gets the recognition for giving me the first picture for the class of 2020.

Melanie Fisher gets the recognition for giving me the most pictures to date.

Sydney Zulich gets recognition for giving me the picture from the college from the greatest distance from WKHS. (UC Berkley)

Thanks again to everyone that has helped us with this project by taking pictures! There is still a lot of space to fill up, so please continue taking pictures - I love seeing them when you send or bring them back and hearing more about your visit to the school!

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