Friday, October 18, 2019

Jack Fitch

It is always hard when I learn of a former student who has died too young.  Such was the case this week when we learned that Jack Fitch, a 2016 WKHS graduate had died in a car accident.  Jack attended the Delaware Area Career Center and was in the Daily Living Skills program at WKHS.  He was currently a student at Hocking College.  My thoughts and prayers are with everyone who is grieving for Jack.

Here is a link to his obituary and the video created in his memory.

I would like to remind all of my students that you are important to me, that I care about you and want only the best for you. Remember that there are always people (like me) who are ready and willing to lend a hand so if you need someone to talk to, please know I'm here to listen.

On a completely separate note, good luck to the Girls Water Polo team who advanced to the Final 4 in the State Tournament.  They play in the State Semifinals game tomorrow at 1:10 and hopefully will advance to the state finals at 6pm down in Cincinnati.  Good luck!

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