Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Career Starting Salaries

Today I was meeting with a student and we were talking about what he wants to do some day in the future as a possible career.  His response was that he didn't care what he did as long as he could make a lot of money.  Interestingly, as I was recommending that he use YouScience to explore what he is naturally good at, I had to admit that there is not a search factor that simply said which are the highest paid jobs that he would be good at... but there is the ability to look at the jobs and see what the pay is for each one and save those which interest him - even if the interest is just based upon income.

And here is the thing... money matters, but your happiness matters even more.  However, if making a lot of money is your biggest motivator then finding jobs that will pay well would be a factor in your decision making.  I just hope it isn't your only factor.

During our conversation I told him that I knew that I had recently read articles about the jobs with the highest and lowest starting salaries.  So I found them and decided that I should share them with you as well.

The above article features the majors with the best salary and if you’re not interested in engineering, then I have bad news for you - you’re not going to be a fan of this list.

This article features the majors with the lowest starting salaries and, not surprisingly, many of these jobs are service oriented or more aligned with a person's interests/ passions, but I hope you will recognize that there is still value within these fields.  Just keep it in mind as possible jobs to avoid if making lots of money is your top motivator.

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