Monday, June 17, 2019


Volunteering provides the chance for you to do something to help someone else.  But do you know that often, when you are spending your time and energy helping others, the person who benefits the most is YOU?!

I realize that may sound crazy, but it is true.  There has been a lot of research about the importance of focusing on how you can help others and the ways that it impacts you.  But if you pause and think about it, I am confident you will know it without needing research as evidence.  When you help someone else, you tend to feel good about yourself.  We all want to be needed.  Volunteering allows you to share your gifts and talents with someone who needs it.  This also boosts connection which decreases loneliness and stress levels.  Feeling as if you have a purpose and that your life is bigger than just the world you tend to focus on of your day to day actions is incredibly beneficial and meaningful.

But perhaps you don't even know where to get started.  And the good news is it can be ANYWHERE and doing ANYTHING!

Is there a cause or issue that is important to your heart?  Start there.  Maybe you are a lover of animals or someone in your family has fought against a disease, if so, start looking online or with organizations connected to similar causes to see how you can help.

Is there a future career path that interests you?  That is another good option to consider for volunteering.  If you want to work in medicine or research, volunteer at a hospital.  If you want to study environmental science, look at options volunteering in environmental areas.  If you want to teach, seek camp programs that are in need of teens to help out.

Is there a passion or talent that you love that you could try to share with others?  If you love playing soccer, volunteer as helper with a local youth team.  If you enjoy baseball, volunteer with the Miracle League.  If you are talented at music, volunteer your time to perform at a local nursing home.  If you love to read, see if the library, book store, nursing home, or rec center would allow you to host a story time.

The opportunities are truly endless.  Don't be limited to just the ideas or examples that I mentioned here, think about what would be personally rewarding and fulfilling to you and then figure out how you can help out.  I promise, someone out there will be thrilled to have your assistance!  And, what a great way to spend a portion of your summer!

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