Friday, April 19, 2019

Worthington Thoughts

I love working at Worthington Kilbourne High School.  I have a job that allows me to interact with the most incredible people.  In you I see courage, strength, dedication, fight, passion, excitement, and so much more!  Every day you find ways to overcome challenges and celebrate successes.  I love watching when you are being there for one another to support those around you.

There is never a day when I am not inspired by my current and former students!  And lately there have been a few public stories that bring this reality to the forefront.

This past Friday, 10TV recognized and honored Jack Begley as being their Athlete of the Week!  What a well-deserved and exciting honor for Jack who is a cross country, swimming, and track athlete and all-around great student and person.

Check out the story about Jack here!

Unfortunately, last Friday is also when a 2016 WKHS Graduate, Drew George, found out that his cancer had returned.  Drew and his family have lots of connections throughout the Worthington community.  He has always been an inspiration with his positive outlook and non-stop fighting spirit.  If anyone can beat cancer for the 3rd time it is Drew.  Yesterday the WKHS staff and many students joined together to support Drew by wearing orange to remind the community that we are #DrewStrong and that we are united behind him and his family as he fights cancer.

Jack and Drew are just two public faces that demonstrate the best of Kilbourne and represent reminders of why I am so thankful to work here and with all of you!  Please know that even though you might not be publicly celebrated as an Athlete of the Week or have the school wearing orange as a sign of solidarity while you face your personal life battles, it doesn't mean that you are not cared about deeply and completely.  Please remember that I am here to support and celebrate with you during your successes and battles and that whatever it is you are accomplishing or the difficulties you are facing matter!

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