Wednesday, April 24, 2019

ACT Scores

I have GREAT news for all of the junior students!  Your scores arrived at WKHS yesterday afternoon!  We were shocked (and thrilled).  In fact, we had spent a huge chunk of the morning on the phone with ACT trying to find out if there was a way that we could get student ACT ID's or find everyone's scores electronically.  We knew that they had said 8 weeks, but with so many of you desperate to know how you had scored we were trying to help make that process move faster. 

In spite of ACT refusing to help us and telling us on the phone that it would be weeks before the scores arrived, there at the end of the day was a package that contained your score reports.  We made an announcement this morning so that you could come pick up your scores, but I know that many of you don't listen to the morning announcements.  So please, stop by the counseling center tomorrow before school, during your lunch, or during options and get your score report sheet from the counseling center secretaries.

One small disclaimer though - the only scores we have received so far are for those students who took the ACT with standard time.  Those students who receive accommodations in their testing such as extended time or small groups, your score reports have not made it back to us yet.  I am sure they will come soon, but they were not in the batch we received from ACT yesterday.

I hope you are thrilled with your scores.  If not, don't forget that you have opportunities to take the test again, but you will have to sign up directly on ACT's website in order to do that (and for future tests there will be a registration fee).  If you have questions about your scores or just want to share the news about how you did on the test, please stop and see me!

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