Tuesday, March 5, 2019


I am always looking for new and interesting career related search tools that students might like or enjoy.  Recently I have heard from a couple of students (and their parents) who had used YouScience.  One of them even brought in their results to allow me to see more of what it included and I was impressed.

I will be honest, I haven't seen how long it takes to complete the assessments, but it is on my list to have my niece and nephew complete during spring break so that I can see that side of things.  However, I still wanted to pass this information along to you in case you want to take the surveys.

YouScience contains both an aptitude and an interest survey.  I really like that they look at the student's aptitudes because, for example, I may have a high level of interest in being an engineer, but I don't like math and am not good at logic so perhaps that isn't actually a good career fit for me.  Aptitudes will tell you what you are naturally talented in and then the interest survey part is where your interests lie and then you can look at where there are overlaps in your results.  They also have a range of career information about over 500 different career fields including if the job market is growing or not which is vital information to help guide your future decisions as being able to actually find a job when you finish your education is important.

There is a cost for this assessment - $29 which is obviously not as great as it would be if it was available for free, but the information it seemed to share felt like that was a worthwhile cost.  If you want to check it out, visit their website - www.youscience.com - to see if taking their assessment might be helpful for you.

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