Saturday, March 2, 2019

March Socratic Society

Yesterday 40 Kilbourne students were inducted into the Socratic Society. Students are selected for the Socratic Society based upon their display of the Socratic Core Virtues - scholarship, lifelong learning, compassion, integrity, and personal effort. Students are only eligible to receive this award once throughout their entire high school career. 15 of "my" students were among those honored. They are (alphabetically): Kayla Balemian, Olivia Barrie, Sarah Baxter, Mya Boggs, Gwen Cardimen, Ava Cattunar, Ashley DeVillers, Erika Diaz Avalos, Kyle Dillon, Ethan Dzinglski, Macain Eldridge, Abby English, Sam English, Robbie Fadley and Melanie Fisher.  Congratulations to each of you! I am proud of you!

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