Thursday, March 28, 2019

Caps & Gowns and More

Seniors, did you pick up your Cap & Gown today?  Doesn't it make it seem real?  I find it hard to believe that we are less than 2 months to graduation.  If you didn't get your cap and gown today, they will also be in the commons tomorrow during lunch periods for you to pick yours up.  Also, one of my biggest suggestions is to take your cap and gown out of it's packaging to allow the wrinkles to start falling out.  It will make it at least a little easier when you go to iron it closer to graduation time.

Also, seniors, by now I am truly hoping that you took care of your senior pictures for the yearbook.  Mr. Cecutti needs those from you right away.  If you haven't taken care of this, please talk to him or email him at 

I also saw the message go out that your baby pictures are needed for baccalaureate.  Trust me, this is one of the best highlights at the Baccalaureate ceremony and you send those photos to Mrs. Mullen.

There is so much excitement ahead for seniors, but make sure you take care of all of these details so that you can enjoy the time even more.

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