Sunday, March 17, 2019

A Renewed Start

If you look outside today this crazy, but beautiful snow doesn't make it seem like spring.  I suspect this weather is even more shocking for all of you who traveled over spring break to warm and exciting places.  But spring break is now coming to an end and we are back to school tomorrow.

I always think of spring as a time of renewal.  The grass gets green, trees bud, flowers bloom - it is like the world wakes up from the winter blahs.  (Again, present weather excluded from this.)

In a lot of ways though, I think 4th quarter provides that same chance of renewal.  Historically, 3rd quarter grades tend to be a slump for many students.  With tomorrow starting the 4th quarter, now is the time to kick things into gear academically, to make sure that you finish strong, and that you make the most of your learning in the classroom.  Remember, you still have 60% of your grade remaining in every class.  (40% in the 4th quarter and 20% from your exams).

I have also had the opportunity to do a lot of thinking about what people have been thinking and saying regarding Kilbourne in the 3rd quarter... and much of it wasn't positive.  But that is NOT what I think of when I think of who we are.  I can tell you that I *KNOW* that WKHS students are caring, compassionate, dedicated, loyal, responsible, smart, talented, engaging, and thoughtful individuals.  Every day when I come to work I am in awe over the fact that I have the privilige to know and work with such incredible students.  You excel in so many ways.  But right now, it feels as if the impressive quality of who you are is being lost in the message. 

There are no easy answers to the difficulties and challenges that we faced during the 3rd quarter, but here is what I believe...

- I believe that most students are making good, responsible choices on a daily basis.
- I believe that it is up to ALL of us to renew our focus on who Kilbourne IS and how WE want to be seen.
- I believe that this is not just about "those kids" or someone else's problem.  We are not a divided school of "us vs. them."  We are all united and we either truly care about everyone or we are lying to ourselves because if we only show compassion and love to those who look or act like we do then we have missed the whole point of caring about those around us.
- I believe that it is about more than just "discipline" and that we can't walk our way through rules to result in a refocus on who we are as a school and community.
- I believe that our upperclassmen will need to step up as leaders and speak out on who Kilbourne is and how we behave at WKHS.  I think this will take place in classrooms, with athletic teams, among friends, and to younger siblings.  Right now, I actually believe some of our strongest leadership is coming from the 9th graders, but the reality is the upperclassmen need to take responsibility as leaders to set the stage for how we act in high school.  After all, when you were younger you had older students that you respected and admired - the freshmen look up to you too.  Own it, be a positive mentor, and take pride in Kilbourne!
- I believe that we are an incredible school.
- I believe that just as we have done in the face of so many adversities in the past, we will unite together and be Kilbourne Strong.
- I believe that 4th quarter will be a time of renewal for our students and staff and that we will come out stronger because of the challenges we have faced.

I hope you will join me in looking forward to the 4th quarter being filled with RENEWAL!  I can't wait to see you and Lexi is beyond ready to be back at school too.  Please stop by and tell me all about your wonderful spring break adventures.

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