Monday, February 4, 2019

More Meetings

I don't know about you, but I am exhausted after our first day back!  Granted, perhaps that is also because I met with ALL of my freshmen students today which made for a VERY busy day.  Tomorrow will be equally as packed with meeting with all of the Sophomore students.  Thursday, Friday and next Monday will be filled with Junior meetings.  But I have time this Wednesday to try to connect with you.  So, I wanted to make sure you all knew that unfortunately this is going to be a really hectic week, but I am looking forward to seeing you so be patient and understand that I will meet up with you as soon as possible.  (And, if possible, plan to stop and see me on Wednesday if you need something.)

Also, to all of the juniors who had meetings set for last Friday - I am working tonight to try to figure out when I can get all of your meetings rescheduled.  I will send out updated passes, but it will be sometime next week.

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