Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day

Lexi has 2 favorite holidays... Halloween and Valentine's Day.

She likes Halloween because she is all about doing tricks for treats.  And she likes Valentine's Day because it's a holiday celebrating love and everything she does is to try to show love to those around her.

I often think I have a lot of lessons that I can learn from my dog.  I wish I showed the same level of excitement and enthusiasm every day when I first saw the people that I love.  I don't.  In fact, if I am truly honest, I rarely show my excitement at first seeing many of the people I love because it is just "so daily."  But, she is right.  Every day is a gift and each day we should tell the people around us how much we love and appreciate them.  And even more than just telling them, we should show them with our actions.

Unlike Lexi, we won't be able to wag our tails or run and get a toy to share with people as they come to see her, but we can pay a little more attention with our eyes and our ears.  We can focus on the details of how those who we care about are feeling and what they are thinking.  We can show with the smile on our face how happy we are to see them.  Perhaps it is a lofty goal, but if we can even do it part of the time, I think it will be a Valentine's day lesson that pays off in a big way.

So, today, I hope that you were made to feel and reminded of the fact that you matter, that you are loved and cared about, and that you make a difference in this world!  Lexi and I both are grateful for you today and every day... and if you weren't sure if that was the case, stop by tomorrow and see us - she will greet you with a wagging tail and I will have a listening ear and a smiling face to see you.  Happy Valentine's Day!

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