Monday, February 11, 2019

February 20th

February 20th is a key date for different reasons to different groups of people...

- Juniors, you will be taking the ACT (for free) on the 20th.  You will come to school at normal time and go to your assigned testing room to take the test.  Tomorrow, during 3rd period you will be called to the auditorium to fill out some of the pre-testing paperwork bubbles that ACT requires that you complete.  One of the pieces you will have to fill out is which 4 colleges you want to have your scores sent to free of charge.  I strongly encourage all of you to select 4 colleges to send those free scores to because the college application process is already expensive enough.  If you plan to take classes through CSCC next year for College Credit Plus (Comp 1/ 2, Psychology, Sociology, Government, etc.) then please make sure that you select Columbus State as one of your 4 schools to receive your scores!  (If you are taking CC+ classes for math you do NOT have to use one of your 4 free score reports to send them to COTC as they will take them off of your transcript from us.)

- Freshmen, Sophomores and Seniors, February 20th is a key date for you too because you have a LATE start day!  You will only have classes from 12:20 - 3:05 that day and busses will run again on a 3-hour delay to make sure that all students have the opportunity to get to school at their necessary times.  All students will have just 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th period classes during the afternoon.  So you have your morning off to sleep in or do something productive before returning to school for your classes in the afternoon.

- Parents, during the evening of February 20th, the district will be hosting a presentation on the Side Effects of Sexting.  This presentation will take place at the Worthington Education Center.  With so many things happening and changing in teen lives as a result of cell phones and social media, this presentation will certainly be important and informational.

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