Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Did you enjoy your snow day?  For many of the students I know that today was a welcomed day off, but for many juniors, this was NOT the day that you wanted to have a snow day.  As you know, the ACT was scheduled for today for all junior students.  Unfortunately, even though many of you had attended tutoring sessions and prep classes to prepare yourself for the test, the weather had other plans in mind.  Because it is determined by ACT when the paper test can be administered all juniors will now take the test on April 2nd.  (There is a date in March that ACT would allow us to give the test, but it happens to fall during our spring break so that won't work.)  I realize that this messes with many of you and your plans for when you were going to test, but my general suggestion is that if you had planned to take the test again for the 2nd time in April to still register for the April 13th test date.  The good news is that any prep you do heading towards the April ACT will now help you for both of the test dates.

Also, for those of you who took the February ACT earlier this month, your scores should be available online for you today.

If you have any questions about the tests and the timing of them, please feel free to stop by and see me and I will do my best to answer them for you.

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