Sunday, January 27, 2019

Important Reminders

I hope you had a great weekend.  We have a busy week ahead and I wanted to give you all a few reminders about steps you need to take.

1. Register online.  The registration system is currently open and waiting for you to submit your course requests.  Don't forget, you must register by Friday.  And, if you are a junior with a 1:1 appointment with me tomorrow or Tuesday, don't forget that you must have submitted your requests before our meeting.

2.  Teacher recommendations.  Please continue to seek input from your teachers about what classes they would suggest for you to take next year.  Have them sign your recommendation form and be sure to save that to bring it to me during our individual meeting.

3.  Cap and Gown orders.  Seniors need to order their cap and gowns for the commencement ceremony by Thursday, January 31st.  You will place your orders on their website.

4.  Curriculum night.  This evening provides a great chance for parents as well as students to come to hear more in depth information directly from the teachers who teach particular courses.  This evening event will take place tomorrow night, Monday, January 28th, starting at 7:30pm.

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