Friday, January 11, 2019

February ACT Registration Reminder

The February ACT tests always tends to generate a lot of questions.

Juniors - you will be taking the ACT, free of charge during the school day on February 20th.  You do not have to register for that test - we will do it for you.  This is the ONLY test that you get for free and for which we will register you.  All of the other times that you repeat or attempt the ACT you will register for yourself on ACT's website.

Sophomores - if you are planning to participate in College Credit Plus as a junior then, as you heard last night, you should consider signing up to take an ACT early - as in February or April to try to see if you can get the qualifying college readiness benchmarks.  TODAY is the registration deadline for the February 9th ACT.  So, if you are hoping to take that test, please, be sure to go and register right away so that you don't miss your opportunity.

To answer some of the common questions...
- No, sophomores are not eligible to take the February 20th ACT with the juniors.
- No, sophomores who do not plan on participating in College Credit Plus do not need to take the ACT this early.
- Yes, the junior test does count for a "normal" ACT and the scores will be valid for the colleges.
- Yes, if you are taking the test next month you should begin familiarizing yourself with the test questions and what to expect... but do NOT stress about it!

Also, since both boys & girls basketball takes on TWHS tonight, I have to say GO WOLVES!

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