Thursday, January 3, 2019

Common Data Set

There are some people who love to get wrapped up in data... and others (like me) who are thankful that someone else can get lost in the data and then tell me what I want/ need to know. However, there are some places that even I appreciate and treasure basic data facts and college admissions data is one of those areas! 

Every college highlights their school as being ideal and the perfect fit for every student, but that is not possible.  To help make it easier to understand the information nearly all college websites have a feature called "Common Data Set" that will allow you to review their data on admissions, financial aid, and a million other things that might interest you. The easiest way to find this information is to search for common data set on each school's website. 

The reason utilizing the Common Data Set is so important is that it will allow you to compare information across colleges with a common language and factors that all schools have to provide as raw data without the fancy spin.

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