Thursday, December 20, 2018

Good Jobs

At Kilbourne we tend to spend a lot of time talking about college, but did you know that there are lots of good jobs available that don't require a college degree?  In fact, there are many opportunities available with some additional training that will allow students to further their education without going into a lot of debt and then make a significant income.

This can frequently be seen in apprenticeship programs.  In fact, according to the state, students who complete an apprenticeship program will earn an average income of $60,000.  I think that is pretty incredible.  If you are interested in learning more about apprenticeship programs in Ohio, check out this website.

Aditionally, the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce has done research called the "Good Jobs Project."  You can check out their report and findings on this website.  Part of what I liked looking at in this report was how they had broken down three different educational pathways towards securing a good job - a high school diploma, middle skills, or a bachelor's degree.  Explore the website to see what jobs are strong nationally or in Ohio, consider what good jobs might spark your interest and the level of education and training required to be successful, and what industries and occupations have the good jobs available.

If you are thinking about your future career path and want to explore more options or get some clarity about what to major in for college based on where good jobs will be available when you graduate, then I hope you will spend some time looking at the research findings.

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