Sunday, November 4, 2018

Notes for This Week

This is a pretty crazy week ahead with lots of things I'd like to make sure you are aware of including my limited availability.

Tuesday is the Pre-ACT so I will be busy with test administration for most of the day.

Tuesday is also Election Day I believe that everyone living in the Worthington School District has hopefully heard about the fact that there is are two school issues on the ballot for November's election. Issues 9 and 10 are essential for our schools to continue functioning in an effective manner for all current and future students. Now, I realize that the majority of the students reading this blog are under 18, so this post is really more of a reminder to encourage your parents and your extended family and friends who live in the district to vote in support of Issues 9 and 10. Obviously, for all of the students over 18, hopefully you have already registered to vote so that you can have a say in the future of the schools.

Wednesday we will be hosting a special presentation called "Listen, Lucy" during 5th period.  If you have lunch, prep or options during 5th period I hope you will plan to attend the program in the auditorium.  I know there are several classes who will also be bringing their students to hear the presentation about reducing the stigma related to mental health and seeking support when needed.

Thursday and Friday I will be out of the building all day both days for a statewide counselor conference.  (And yes, the goal is to have Lexi at school so for those of you who have complained LOUDLY the last time I was out for a conference when I didn't bring her to school before I went to my meeting, please know that I have heard you and will make sure that I get her to and from school with a little help from the other staff at WKHS.)

With it being a pretty hectic week, please try to plan ahead if you know you need to meet with me about something and aim for either Monday or Wednesday.  And, one last time, please don't forget to vote this week!

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