Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!  I have so much to be thankful for today and every day.  I hope you know that you are part of what I am grateful for and that I am thankful that you are in my life!  As I pause to give thanks I wanted to share a few of my Thanksgiving thankful thoughts with all of you.

I am thankful for:
- Lexi.  If you know me at all you know how thankful I am for the unconditional love, sweet morning snuggles, and crazy fun and laughter of playing keep away with her toys that she brings to my life each day.  She has filled a place in my heart that I didn't even realize was empty and she is pure, genuine love in action form with a wet nose and a wagging tail.
- My Family.  We are so lucky to be gathered together this holiday weekend.  Like my students who have divorced parents, my family will be splitting time between both of my parents homes for Thanksgiving.  (Which means lots of eating!)  I am particularly grateful for my niece Carly and my nephews Colton and Brady.  They always make me smile and I love being able to spend time with them.
- My mom's cooking.  Technically, I suppose this should still be under my family, but I was thinking about all the ways that my mom shows her love for us and her cooking is one example.  We are so spoiled - she takes care of the entire holiday meal each year and I love that we have the same Thanksgiving meal each year.  (Honestly, most years I don't even ask if she wants me to bring anything and this year I at least put out the offer - she just laughed and said no.  Thank God!)  :-)
-  My job.  I am so lucky to have a job that is rewarding, fulfilling, and that never gets boring.  No two days are alike and it is always exciting to see what will happen with each new day.
-  My students.  Let's be honest, the reason I love my job is because I have the best students!  I am so fortunate to be a part of your lives.  The fact that you choose to talk to me during difficult days and include me in your celebration on happy days means far more than you can imagine.  I consider it an honor to work with you and I learn so much from you.
-  The families of my students.  Not only do students welcome me into their lives, but many families do so as well.  The words of encouragement and appreciation you share mean a great deal to me.
- My friends.  I have many friends, but even more importantly are the small group that make up my "true friends" - those people who I can count on no matter what.  They bring such joy and love to my life.
-  My coworkers.  I am lucky to work with people who I consider friends.  They listen, support, encourage and believe in me.  I trust them without question and I am a better person and a better counselor because of them.  (Not to mention that they also love on, spoil, and help with Lexi at school every day too.)
-  My health.  I am aware of just how fortunate I am to be blessed with good health.  There are so many of my friends, students and their families that have been dealing with their own medical difficulties which helps me realize just how lucky I am to be healthy and reminds me that I shouldn’t take it for granted.
-  My former students.  There is no way that I can express how much it means to me when former students keep in touch.  E-mails, calls, text messages, or visits when they are home - each are priceless gifts to my heart.  I am so thankful that these students choose to stay in touch even though there is nothing that I can do for them anymore.
-  Generosity and compassion in action.  It is so inspiring to see acts of kindness, generosity and compassion being demonstrated in big or small ways.  I love seeing it directed toward those most in need and also appreciate the times when it has been shown to me as well.
-  Stability.  I am so fortunate to live a stable life.  I have a solid foundation of faith, food on my table, a roof over my head, the ability to take hot showers, and a warm bed to sleep in each night.  There are so many people in our world who pray for the things I tend to take for granted.
-  Freedom.  I am so blessed to live in this country and am thankful for all the men and women who have sacrificed so much to maintain our freedom.

It is a long list, but quite honestly, if I gave you more specifics this list would continue on and on because I am so blessed.  I hope that today you will find time to reflect on what you are grateful for this Thanksgiving.  And, if your life is feeling pretty rough and you don't have much to be thankful for, please know that you are in my prayers and that I hope things will improve.

Have a great day and a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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