Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Lots of Reminders

Happy Halloween!  This is such a critical time for all of you so I have lots of reminders for students of all grades...

For seniors... As you are preparing to submit your applications, I have had lots of people asking if they have done everything necessary.  So, as a general reminder, here are the steps you will want to double check that you have completed for EVERY college to which you are applying.

1. Complete all parts of your application.  (For many colleges this is going to be on Common App and so that means you have filled out the Common App section and the questions sections for each individual college.)

2. Fill out the blue Transcript Release card for each school that you are applying. You can find this card in Mrs. McDaniel's office (you do not need to wait to try to see me). There is a $1.00 transcript fee unless you are applying to a school that utilizes Common App or SendEDU as we can submit transcripts to those two systems for free.

Another side note related to the transcript release cards- if you are applying to schools with deadlines of December 15th - January 10th we ask that you complete your transcript release card no later than December 10th.

3. Send your test scores - You need to make sure that you have submitted your ACT or SAT test results directly from the testing agency to each college where you are applying. You complete this step directly with the testing companies. If you are not sure if your test was sent, please log on to their site and double check.

4. If your college requires a teacher or counselor recommendation I really hope you have already arranged for someone to write them. Again, you should be giving your recommender at least 30 days notice to write a letter.  Also, double check that your teachers have submitted their letters.  (Everyone who has asked me to write a letter on their behalf will see that all rec letters have been uploaded to Common App.)  If you notice that one of your teachers has not yet submitted their letter, you can still submit your application to the college, but also stop by and double check the status of your letter with your teacher to make sure they have not forgotten about writing on your behalf and to verify that they have received your Common App request to submit the letter for you.

5. Double check your entire application, pay your application fee and submit the application.

It truly is not meant to be overly difficult, but it does require a great deal of organization and follow through on your part. With 323 seniors in this year's graduating class it is important to remember that you have to stay on top of things because deadlines are real and you do not want to lose the opportunity to apply to a school or to earn a scholarship just because you had not taken care of all of the steps required.

Caps and Gowns - Seniors, you already received information about ordering your caps and gowns and this can be done online, but you can also place your orders in person tomorrow or Friday during your lunch period.

For Freshman, Sophomores and Juniors...  The Pre-ACT - a practice test to prepare you for the ACT is coming up next Tuesday, November 6th.  I strongly encourage all of you to take this practice test opportunity as ALL of you will eventually be taking the ACT during the winter of your junior year and you want to be as prepared for the college admissions test as possible to take advantage of that free test opportunity.  The cost for the Pre-ACT is $12 and we have extended the deadline through Friday as long as there are still enough tests available for you to participate.  Register in the Counseling Center with one of the secretaries.

For everyone out Trick-or-Canning tonight, thanks for your service to the community by seeking donations for the food pantry.  I love that you can make it a fun and meaingful evening of helping others.  

I hope all of you had a safe and enjoyable Halloween.

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