Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Junior Reminders

I mentioned this at the end of last night's post about Parent/ Teacher Conferences, but I want to give you a heads up that two weeks from tonight on Wednesday, October 17th the WKHS Counseling department will be hosting a Student and Parent College Planning Information Night. Over the last few years, this program has received some of the best feedback out of all of the information nights we host. The students and parents who attended this meeting in the past have expressed how much this helped them get started and move forward with the college search process and developed a better understanding of what to expect along the way.  The meeting is primarily targeted at juniors, but sophomores and freshmen are welcome to attend if interested. The meeting is at 7:00pm in the auditorium. 

I hope you will plan to attend! And yes, I want you to bring your parents to this meeting and no, I don't want you to just send your parents instead... this is YOUR future and you are responsible for deciding what direction you will take.

Of a more pressing timing reminder, juniors, don't forget, if you are going to sign up for the PSAT, the registration deadline for that is this Friday, October 5th.  The cost is $16.  I know that you have taken it over the last two years, but this test is the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Competition.  Additionally, I'd like to remind you that every time you take a standardized test it is good practice.  There are few times and experiences that you have to be able to work to focus for this long and to work this quickly as when you take these practice tests.  This will help you for when you go to take the actual ACT or SAT.

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