Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Junior ACT Prep Reminder

We get lots of questions from junior students and parents about ACT/ SAT prep courses.  The testing companies assure us that the best preparation is a rigorous curriculum, but many students are interested in more specific testing strategies and preparation opportunities.

This year Mr. Thomas has arranged for Dr. Sampath (a WKHS parent and founder of PrepAccelerator) to present a 5 hour test prep course to all junior students at WKHS free of charge.  This course will be during school tomorrow, Wednesday, October 24th from 9:30 - 3:05.  Students will have a 30 minute lunch break during the seminar.  (And yes, you will be excused from your classes and you will be expected to attend the prep course unless your parent has opted you out of this free course.)

Dr. Sampath has a PhD in Statistics and is excited to be able to share his insight and knowledge with all of the juniors.  Because the presentation will take place in the auditorium, please be sure to bring pencils, pens, and something solid to write on (clipboard, book, lapboard, etc.).

For some students this will be all of the prep you will need, but others will want to continue to explore test prep options.  Your PSAT scores from past years (and when they come out from the test you took a few weeks ago) can be linked to Kahn Academy for free test prep.  Students can also find daily questions on the social media and actual websites of the ACT/ SAT.  Those who have strong self-discipline can also effectively use study guide books which are often available in bookstores, or online.  For other students, group or self-paced strategies are not what they were wanting when they were considering test prep options, and there are individual tutors in the area who work with students.  We have a list on the Counselor Website of those who have received good recommendations.

This is also a good time to remind you that the Pre-ACT is coming up on November 6th and this provides another test practice opportunity.  It is a great chance to put the strategies you have learned into play to see how you are faring.  Cost to register is $12 and you can sign up through October 31st with one of the secretaries in the Counseling Center.

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