Thursday, October 18, 2018

End of 1st Quarter

Today marked the end of the first quarter.  This is an important point for you to pause and reflect.  Remember, quarter grades are not included on your transcript - just semester grades. But this means that you have reached the half-way point in earning the grades that will be on your transcript.  

Some of the questions you should ask yourself include: Are you where you want to be?  If you are not, what do you need to do different to turn things around?  If you need ideas for how you can improve your grades, I strongly encourage you to meet individually with your teacher.  You should also take advantage of the help available from the academic assistants in the Teaching and Learning Center (which is located in room 209).  You are also welcome to stop by and talk to me and we can try to brainstorm some ideas to help.  If you are happy with your current progress, congratulations!  Make sure you think about what you have done that has been helpful to your success and continue to put forward those same actions.

Also, a reminder to you and your parents - report cards are not printed and sent home - you will be able to access your report cards on Infinite Campus as of the middle of next week.

Additionally, this is a good point to reflect on what you have or have not done with your "Because I Said I Would" commitments.  I know that some of you are still carrying around blank cards (and I have tons of blank cards available in my office too) and haven't made your promises solid by writing them down and having someone hold you accountable.  Others have made commitments, but are struggling to follow through on achieving your goals.  If you're needing help and support remember that the person holding your card for you is likely willing and able to help you, but I am also here to support you as well.

Be safe and enjoy the long weekend and be prepared to kick off the 2nd quarter on Monday!

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