Monday, October 15, 2018

Delaware Area Career Center

When students enter 9th grade, many are excited about the different choices and opportunities available in high school. Unfortunately, the reality is that the first two years of high school really don't have all that many choices. There is, however, a great deal of flexibility as students reach their junior and senior years. One of those options includes the possibility of attending the Delaware Area Career Center.

All sophomores had a chance to listen to a presentation about the Delaware Area Career Center (DACC) and the programs they have available for students. Attending DACC is a great opportunity to earn your elective credits in an area that interests you rather than taking electives that you are selecting simply because they will fill up your schedule.  One of my students, Melina Calhoun, did a great job as one of the student ambassadors sharing about her experiences at DACC.

It was interesting to hear about all of the different programs that are available for students to explore and they will also be adding 2 new programs for next year - Medical Assisting and Cybersecurity. (Please note that the list talks about the different locations where the programs are housed, but next school year they will transition to one campus for all programs and that will be at the "South Campus" location.) There are some unique experiences and opportunities available that can really stand out to colleges. If you are interested in participating in the field trip to the DACC, please be sure to return your permission slip to the counseling center right away.  (Technically, you have already missed the sign-up deadline as permission slips were due back by Friday, October 12th, but ironically in light of yesterday's post about deadlines, they have extended the deadline for students who still want to participate and haven't submitted their permission slips yet.  The field trip is scheduled for Friday, November 16th.

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