Saturday, September 29, 2018

Ryan's Amazing 30 Years

I want to introduce you to my friend, Ryan.  Prior to getting my Master’s degree in counseling I worked at an organization called Lifeline of Ohio.  Lifeline of Ohio is an organization that promotes and coordinates organ donation.  Through my job there I was able to meet and work with lots of incredible people and Ryan was one of those individuals.

Ryan was a sophomore in high school when he suddenly became sick and needed a heart transplant.  On Wednesday, Ryan reached a major milestone – his 30-year transplant anniversary!  Today there was a party to celebrate this momentous event.
Sylvia, Marie, & Ryan
Ryan has lived every day of his last 30 years to it’s fullest.  He knows that he is fortunate to be alive today – something all of us should embrace, but it is a lesson he knows he wouldn’t have if it weren’t for his donor and the gift of life.  During today’s party Ryan said, “Today is special, but EVERY day is special and having all of you in my life makes each day extra special.”  Since his transplant, Ryan graduated from high school as his school’s valedictorian, he attended the Ohio State University, he met, fell in love, and married his wife, Marie, he celebrated as his family grew to include a beautiful little girl, Sylvia, he enjoys travel and his competitive nature pushes him as he participates in the Transplant Games, he volunteers his time to share the importance of organ donation, he was selected to help carry the Olympic Torch, and so much more.  But the reality is, Ryan is just a normal guy.  He loves his wife, daughter, and dog.  He is dedicated to his parents, brother and nephews (who happen to be past, current and future WKHS students).  He works hard at his job which he enjoys.  He cheers enthusiastically for the Buckeyes.  And yet today reminded me of just how much of a MIRACLE Ryan is and what an incredible gift it is that he is alive. 

30 years!  This is a huge milestone.  Ryan is one of the longest living heart recipients in the country.  He has been a part of my life for so long now that it is hard to imagine that had he not received his transplant I never would have met him.  If he didn’t receive his transplant I wouldn’t have had the chance to make silly faces with his daughter at today’s party.  I am a better person because I have been blessed with his friendship.  I believe that if the nearly 100 people who celebrated today were asked, they would all have said the same thing.  Ryan is someone who has blessed all of our lives and I am forever grateful for the fact that I know him and for the fact that his donor, James, had made the choice to say “yes” to donation.

I hope to try to embrace the simple moments of each day in honor of Ryan.  It is a lesson we should all try to emulate.  I can assure you that while some of you have really hard things that you have to go through in your lives, you can set your goals high, work hard, and achieve any dream – just like Ryan did.

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