Friday, September 7, 2018

Fall ACT & SAT Reminders

A reminder to all seniors...  
If you are planning on taking the ACT or SAT this fall, the testing deadlines are fast approaching!

The next SAT test is October 6th and the registration deadline is today, September 7th Late registrations will be taken (with an additional cost) up through September 26th. Just as a reminder, most you should be taking the SAT Reasoning test - frequently also called the SAT I. (SAT II or Subject Tests are for the highly selective schools and are in addition to needing the SAT Reasoning test. Double check with the colleges you are considering to make sure you will have all the tests you need to meet their requirements.)

Technically, the next ACT is tomorrow (good luck to all of you who will be testing!) but it is obviously too late to sign up for that test.  So, the next ACT test you can still register for is October 27th and the registration deadline is September 28th. They will also take late registrations through October 14th for an additional fee.  (And, for what it is worth, those students who will be taking the ACT on Saturday will begin to be able to see their scores on September 18th.)

To register for either test, please visit their websites directly.

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