Thursday, September 27, 2018

ACT/ SAT Score Submissions

I probably should have included this with the Senior Reminders that I talked about yesterday, but it is important that all students have submitted their ACT/ SAT scores to their intended colleges directly from the testing agencies.  The nice thing is that when you are working on college applications it often feels that there are so many different details that you must pay attention to, but this is one that you can take care of well in advance so that it doesn't become a stressor later.  (But I will also acknowledge that this is one of the steps many students forget to follow through on which causes problems with their applications being processed in a timely manner.

Please remember that while your results from your college admissions tests (ACT and SAT), once received at WKHS, will appear on your transcript, the vast majority of the colleges want to receive the score results directly from the testing agency. You receive the option to send your scores to 4 colleges for free when you are registering for the test and there is an additional charge for any extra schools you want to send your results to after those initial four.  Please be sure to take advantage of selecting 4 colleges with those free submission options when registering for the tests.

You can log in to the ACT and SAT websites to review the locations where you selected to send your scores to make sure that every college you are considering has received a copy of your scores.  And it is also directly on the ACT and SAT websites where you can pay to have your scores sent to additional colleges.

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