Thursday, August 23, 2018

Senior College Information Night

Seniors, have you started to work on your college applications?  Now is the time for you to start the process of college applications.  Before the school year started, the counselors were so happy to be able to spend some time with some of the seniors who elected to come in and discuss brainstorming effective college essays.  I cannot wait to see what unique topics they come up with to showcase their incredible individuality.  I also want seniors and senior parents to plan ahead for one for one of the most important senior nights.

The Senior Student and Parent College Information Night will be held on Monday, August 27th, at 7:00pm at WKHS. This is one of the most important meetings for senior students and parents to attend because there are so many college related questions that we will be able to answer.

We will be reviewing the college application process, the procedures for submitting your items to WKHS and to the colleges, and other information you need to know for college. I really hope you will make every effort to attend… and yes, this is for you and your parents because this is YOUR life, so you need to be there as you are the one responsible for completing all of the work to get accepted into college. It is beneficial for your parents to also attend because they will be a very valuable in helping you through this process. And, trust me, your parents will appreciate having an overview of how this entire process will play out so bring them along with you so that they can get the information all at once with you. 

I know that it is not always possible for every student and family to attend, but I hope you will make every effort to try to attend. Remember, I have about 90 seniors, so it becomes very challenging to try to repeat the same basic information and make sure everyone understands unless we all start with the same foundation of information. This evening will answer a lot of your basic questions and then we’ll figure out the rest together as the year continues. I’m looking forward to talking college with you on August 27th!

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