Monday, August 27, 2018

Common App - Updated Change

Thanks to all of the senior students and parents who came out to the College Information Night tonight.  I hope you left feeling more confident about your next steps and what all you need to be working on over the next few months as you apply to college.

One component that I mentioned tonight that is a CHANGE from what I had previously mentioned on my blog is that Common App now does have a way for your to indicate that you are taking college classes at a college as a Dual Enrollment student - meaning that you are both a high school and a college student.  If you are taking College Credit Plus (CC+) classes through Columbus State, COTC, OSU, or Sinclair Community college you will need to list all of these colleges on your application as being colleges.  Then in the options you will select that they are Dual Enrollment classes.  My hope is that the college systems are all set up to recognize this information so that they don't ask you for your college transcripts until the end of the year.  (That was a problem a few years ago which is why they had eliminated this component for dual enrolled students, but it is back - probably because so many students across the state are taking CC+ classes.)

Please note that this is a change from what I had said on August 1st.  We just found this out for sure that colleges did want to try to get your CC+ college names at a meeting on Friday.  As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to come and see me!

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