Thursday, August 30, 2018

Because I Said I Would

I love the concept of the "because I said I would" cards that Mr. Thomas introduced to our school last Friday.  Did you get your cards today?  Have you been thinking of what promises you are making to yourself and who you are going to select to help hold you accountable for them?

Mr. Thomas had shared that concept and video with some of our staff earlier this summer and since then I have hought of that phrase "because I said I would" often.  Sometimes I think it to myself - I need to follow through on whatever because I had said that I was going to and other times I find myself thinking, UGH, I said I was going to do something and still haven't.  At least in my world, I think that sometimes I have good intentions, but following through is harder.  And that is why I like the cards so much.

I just got cards for the first time today too.  I am excited about it.  I believe that being held accountable for following through on the commitments I make is important.  Nothing is more important to me than all of you and so my commitments and my promise cards will likely be focused primarily on interactions and follow up and follow through where you are concerned.  And, if you ever need me to help be the one to hold you accountable by hanging onto your promise card until you have achieved whatever small or large goals you are striving toward, know that I am willing to do that for you.

I can't help but believe that if we are a school that is dedicated on saying what we mean and following through on what we say that we are going to be a powerful force all year!  We are definitely going to develop trust and accountability within our school and that level of honesty and bravery from being vulnerable enough to say here is something I'm aiming for and working to achieve is incredible.  I hope you are excited about it too.  And I hope that we can keep the momentum and promise cards moving forward all year.

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