Monday, May 14, 2018

Senior Recognition Night

Senior Recognition Night was last Thursday and provided a special evening to celebrate your accomplishments.  It is a time when graduating seniors are honored for the contributions and awards they have received over the last four years of high school.  In addition, tonight also celebrated the incredible scholarships that the seniors have been awarded - nearly 8 million dollars worth!

There were 191 students recognized as a part of Senior Recognition Night.  About two-thirds of my students were honored during the evening and I loved being able to watch all of you walk across the stage to receive the recognition you deserve for your accomplishments.  It was incredible to sit back and reflect on how impressive each of you already are and to consider the bright futures which are ahead of you.  

As you can imagine, with so many students being honored, it was impossible for me to get the entire group of "my students" together for a picture, but I absolutely LOVED that you all are used to me enough to know that I want pictures for this blog and that so many of you helped to gather everyone available to join together for this picture.  In all sincerity, thank you!  I know that I pulled many of you from other conversations and time with family and friends to grab the picture, but it means so much to me! 

(Front to back/ left to right): Dylan Buford, Tania Craig, Ranyah Chahine, Kennedy Dauphin, Charles Costello, Maggie Crozier, David Boord, Jason Bowen, Ava Burson, Mackenzie Bennett, Chase Brown, Sam Biglin and Quentin Bartram.  

Deane Elliott (Left) and Alec Bickell (Right) missed out on the group picture, but were kind enough to pause for a quick photo.

I am impressed by all that you have achieved over the last four years and I was grateful to be able to participate in your evening of well-deserved recognition!  Congratulations to everyone honored during Senior Recognition Night! 

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