Thursday, May 17, 2018

Final Day for Seniors

Dear Seniors,

Today was your LAST day of high school!  Wow, it truly does not seem possible.  Recently I have been reflectng back with students and it is funny how easy it is for many of you to remember starting high school on the first day, but also the way in which the memories of starting school in Worthington many years ago is still vivid for you.  I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to walk through the last 4 years of your high school career by your side.

You are incredible!  Your class holds a very special place in my heart and I can say, without a doubt, that YOU INSPIRE ME!  I am proud of you for the people you are and the way you live your lives.

I have so many cherished memories with students in your class.  I loved watching you compete in sports, performing in plays and musical concerts, excelling in the classroom, or leading in service outreach efforts.  But, of course, it is often the 1:1 time in my office where you opened your hearts and your lives to me that stands out to me the most!  Together we have shared in both laughter and tears.  I have stood in awe of your strength and marveled at your ability to bend without breaking.  But no matter how tough a day might be, I think I have had more sweet gifts of kindness in words and actions from your class than most any other - and it's the simple things like the hugs, the high-fives, the I love you's or the thank you's, or watching as you'd pet and cuddle with Lexi which reverberate most in my mind.

Your ability to remain strong when faced with challenges, to approach each day with kindness and love even when you might be hurting inside and the way you strive to embrace each moment sets you apart in my eyes.  Your class is filled with intelligent, hard working, compassionate, courageous, dedicated, engaging, and talented individuals.  You have made a difference in big and small ways and built friendships and memories throughout the journey, but let there be no doubt - the BEST IS YET TO COME!  You are young men and women who are changing the world!  I can assure you that you have certainly changed my life!

As you leave Kilbourne behind I hope you will know that you take with you a piece of my heart.  I am so grateful for you.  And even though after this weekend you will no longer be my student, please know that I will always be behind you - believing in you, caring about you, and cheering you on with each new accomplishment you achieve in your lives!


With Love and Gratitude, Miss Abbott

Also, don't forget that tomorrow morning is graduation rehearsal which is at WKHS starting at 10amYou will be done around noon.  Don't forget, this is a mandatory requirement for all seniors who plan on attending the commencement ceremony.  I'll be honest, it is a long and rather boring time - not at all like the excitement you will have during the actual ceremony on Sunday! The rehearsal is very important though and it will be worth it when everything goes well during the actual commencement ceremony.

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