Sunday, May 27, 2018

Diploma Presenter

Have I told you lately about the fact that I believe I have the best job in the world?  How many people are lucky enough to have a job where they get to go to work every day and be surrounded by some of the most incredible people?  And yes, of course, my colleagues are great, but I am referring to my students.

My students are each unique and different.  They have successes and struggles, talents and challenges, and courage beyond measure.  I am so thankful that they allow me to be a part of their lives.  Every day I get to learn from them - how I want to treat others, how I want to be treated, how to push on through difficulties, the power of positivity, the strength that develops from facing heartbreaking experiences, and forever the reminder that there is beauty in brokenness.  I can even admit that some of my students are the people I look up to and admire the most.

It is because of how much respect and appreciation that I have for "my kids" that I can share that one of the most heart-warming experiences I had the honor of participating in this year was to present diplomas to 10 of my seniors.  In case you're not aware, at Kilbourne, we have the tradition where every senior is allowed the option of picking any adult who has been a part of their Worthington educational career (teacher, coach, counselor, etc.) to present them with their diploma.  And of all of the people they could have chosen TEN of them selected me!  And here is the thing - this was incredibly meaningful and rewarding to me, but not because I was the one they selected, but rather because it meant that I got to be a part of their graduation day!  Here is the day that marks their transition away from Kilbourne and on to bigger and better things ahead and I was able to be a part of that moment with 10 of my students!  How incredible!  There is nothing better than being able to lock eyes and share in the pride with a graduate just as their name is about to be called and then to give them a big hug of congratulations before handing them their diploma.

Now, I will admit - one of the downsides is that I selfishly and desperately wanted to have a picture of all 10 of my diploma kids together to frame on my wall in my office.  Unfortunately, every plan to get a group picture ended up falling short.  And believe me... I tried!  (Part of me is still stunned that I wasn't able to pull off the group photo with how much effort the students and I all put in to try to make it a reality.)
And this is a little bit of a funny picture which is still meaningful because the 10 kids knew how badly I wanted the group picture and how miserably I was failing at that goal... so Sam and Jason suggested I take a picture of the 2 of them just in case I couldn't get the rest and they were actually really sweet and made me feel loved in their efforts.  So, in appreciation, I wanted to share that picture.  Thanks guys for being so kind.
After graduation I did end up being able to get a picture of 6 out of the 10 students which truly felt miraculous as it is chaos following the commencement ceremony.  Pictured Left to Right: Tre', Camryn, Jason, Ava, Sam, and Quentin.
And then I tried to get the other 4 kids to come back to school for a group photo on Friday and they all agreed, but then something came up and Mackenzie wasn't able to make it at the last second, but pictured left to right are: Alec, Deane, and David.

To my diploma kids (in alphabetical order) - Quentin Bartram, Mackenzie Bell, Alec Bickell, Sam Biglin, David Boord, Jason Bowen, Ava Burson, Tre' Caesar, Camryn Eagle, and Deane Elliott: Thank you so much for being such a special part of my life.  You have touched my heart in ways that you cannot even begin to imagine.  It has been my joy and my pleasure to be able to watch as you achieved so many goals over the last 4 years.  From achieving success in the classroom or athletic fields/ pool/ ice to applying to college and planning out your futures, I got to be a witness to some of your biggest fears and brightest moments.  Please know that I didn't take any of your experiences which you shared with me for granted.  I appreciate your positivity, kindness, compassion and love for those around you.  I respect your courage, strength, and ability to overcome struggles and disappointments.  I am thankful for the ways you have impacted my life and I cannot wait to see all of the amazing things that are ahead for each of you!  Always know that I believe in you, you are important to me, and I will continue to be here if you ever need me.  Congratulations and thank you, once again, for allowing me to share in your graduation day!

I'm still not completely sure how I got lucky enough to be able to work with kids who touched my life in such a big way that it makes me both sad for me and excited for them to watch them all leave.  It makes me think of the Winnie the Pooh quote, "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."  I am incredibly lucky and will forever be thankful that these 10 seniors as well as the rest of their senior class were a part of my life.  I know that bright days are ahead for you and in Worthington they talk often about helping students grow so that they can change the world... please let me assure you - you have already changed my world.  Congratulations and Best Wishes as you continue to spread your impact in the future!

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