Tuesday, May 1, 2018

College Credit Plus Reminders

Hopefully everyone who will be taking a College Credit Plus (CC+) course next year attended the meeting yesterday, but if you missed it, please be sure that you have applied to your intended college(s), submitted qualifying test scores, and completed your course registration form(s).  There is information on the Counselor Website with links to all of the forms.  Please visit www.wkhscounselors.com to see the reminder of the steps you are supposed to complete for each college and which classes are being offered through which college.

Applications are due to both CSCC and COTC by this Friday, May 4thRegistration consent forms are due back by next Friday, May 11th.

The one aspect which tends to confuse many students is submitting your qualifying test scores to place you into a class.

If you are taking classes through COTC you will need English and Math scores.  You can use ACT or SAT scores or they will be at WKHS on May 17th for you to test during your lunch period.  If you are unable to test on the 17th you can go to any COTC testing location in order to test.

If you are taking classes through CSCC you must submit qualifying English and Reading scores.  You can either submit ACT or SAT scores or you need to take the placement tests.  Here is the summary of what you will need to know/ scores you will need to achieve for CSCC:

- If you were already taking CSCC classes last year then you have met the qualifying scores and do not need to do anything else.

- If you took the ACT and earned an 18 on the English section and a 22 on the Reading section then you have met the benchmark standards required.  Submit the scores from ACT's website to CSCC.

- If you took the SAT and earned a 490 on the Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing section then you have met the benchmark standards required.  Submit your scores from SAT's website to CSCC.

- If you have not taken the ACT or SAT yet or do not have the qualifying scores, then you will need to take the Placement Tests at Columbus State.

You can take the test at any of the CSCC testing branches. (Delaware, Dublin, Westerville, or Downtown)

You will need to take the reading and writing placement tests.  This usually takes about 2 hours to complete (approximately 1 hour per test).

You will need to achieve the CSCC designated scores in order to reach the level required to take the CC+ classes.  You will need to earn a Reading Test score of 80 and a Writing Test score of 5.

Please note that you will need to have your Cougar ID number in order to test.  I strongly suggest that you visit the CSCC website (search testing on their site and it will take you to the right page) to review the information about what to expect on the placement tests so that you do as well as possible on your first attempt. It is possible to retake the placement test once if needed. 

The deadline to submit scores and/or complete your placement testing is suggested by May 23rd, but students have until July 1st to meet the CSCC requirements and submit scores directly to CSCC.

With so many students taking CC+ classes, I cannot stress enough how critical it is that you take care of these testing requirements so that you are able to take your intended classes next year!  If you have testing questions, please check the college testing pages and if you still aren't sure, feel free to let me know.

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