Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tomorrow's Bell Schedule

Tomorrow all students will be on a 16 minute homeroom schedule, but not everyone will go to your homerooms.

9th graders and 12th graders WILL go to their designated homerooms.

10th graders will go to the Main Gym during their homeroom period.

11th graders will go to the Auditorium during their homeroom period.

The reason for this is that the 10th and 11th graders will hear speeches for class officer positions.

Freshmen students will be voting for class representatives during homeroom, but the officer positions were uncontested so no speeches are needed.

Seniors, obviously you will not be at WKHS next year and so you don't need to participate in the voting process, however your homeroom is really important to the counselors and administrators!  All seniors are being asked to complete a senior survey to give us feedback and insight into what worked well and what programming wise we should change to try to better help students in the future.  This survey deals with more of the mental/ emotional health of students as well as the academic/ college and career supports received and needed.  Your thoughtful reflections and insights are very much appreciated!  The survey is electronic and has already been sent to your wscloud email.

Here is tomorrow's bell schedule:

1st period: 7:45 - 8:33
2nd period: 8:38 - 9:26
Homeroom: 9:31 - 9:47
3rd period: 9:52 - 10:40
4th period: 10:45 - 11:33
5th period: 11:38 - 12:26
6th period: 12:31 - 1:19
7th period: 1:24 - 2:12
8th period: 2:17 - 3:05

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