Friday, March 16, 2018

Worthington Related Scam Warning

We were recently alerted to a scam that was attempted on a TWHS family and I wanted to share it with all of you to be sure that none of you fall victim to it!

Here is what we know about the call and what they stated...

They said they were affiliated with an ACT/ SAT testing prep group and that ____ (student's name) had signed up for Testing Prep materials through their guidance counselor back in December.  They were on a waiting list for the materials.  The materials were free of charge, as long as they were returned when (student) was done with them.  To send them the testing materials they wanted the parent to provide their credit card number to hold a deposit of $216.32. 

The call had come in from 614-295-2029.

Luckily, the TWHS parent said no that they wouldn't give their credit card number over the phone, but would check with the student's counselor and get back to them.  Upon hearing this the caller hung up the phone.  When the parent tried to call back, no one answered.

I don't know anything more than this, but I wanted to make sure you knew as soon as I knew.  Please always be cautious and, of course, also know that I will keep you informed through my blog of anything like this that happens.  I am so grateful that the TWHS parent alerted us of this concern!

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