Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Student Recognition

The start of the semester has felt so strange to me because it has been so chaotic, so full of meetings, and so inconsistent of available time that I have not been around as much as I would have liked.  That combined with the snow day and the early release due to the weather have left me missing seeing all of you as much as I would have liked.  So, I am still hoping we can find time to catch up more soon!

For now though I have a few of "my" students that I need to recognize.  Unfortunately, I don't have pictures to go with any of these celebrations.

January Students of the Month:
Last Friday morning was the ceremony to honor our January Students of the Month.  Students are only eligible to receive this recognition once during their high school years.  Students are nominated by staff in recognition for their outstanding dedication to the school and community.  A special congratulations to my students who were among those recognized as Students of the Month: Trixie Abbott, Evan Anderson, Davis Bailey, Erin Beard, Joclyn Blake and David Boord.  I am proud of you all!

Maggie Crozier:
Excelling in school and sports can be a challenge, but Maggie makes it look easy.  In fact, Maggie is not only excelling she is setting records!  Maggie has set several records with the WKHS Basketball team.  She recently became the all-time leading scorer - an incredible achievement!  In celebration of her achievements this past week Maggie was recognized as a Dispatch Athlete of the Week and as the 10TV Athlete of the Week.  Congratulations Maggie!  I am impressed not only by your achievements, but also by your humility and grace under pressure.  

Chase Brown:
Achieving accomplishments while in high school that help propel students toward the future is always exciting.  For Chase, his hard work and dedication to writing have been remarkable.  As a result, he has earned local and national recognition.  Chase finished runner up in the Best Sports Writing category in the Central Ohio Society of Professional Journalists and Dispatch Media Group's The Martys awards.  In the National Scholastic Press Association's 2017 Sports Story of the Year, Chase placed 4th in the nation.  Congratulations Chase!

Winter Sports Teams:
The winter sports teams are half way through their seasons and some have had incredible starts and some have struggled, but I am so impressed by the ongoing dedication, hard work, and never give up spirit that is being displayed each day.  So, no matter if it is because of being willing to take a last second shot in a big basketball game, going for a new skill in gymnastics, or pushing through your 100 x 100's in swimming, I am impressed by you.  And sometimes you get recognized for those accomplishments, but all too often it is the small victories that are happening behind the scenes away from the cheering crowds.  Congratulations to all of you - including the hockey team who got their first win of the season this past weekend.

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