Friday, January 12, 2018

Grade Level Reminders

Seniors: Don't forget to watch your financial aid deadlines. Many of the priority deadlines have already passed and others are rapidly approaching.  Be sure to complete and submit your FAFSA as soon as possible! And, although I assume this goes without saying, if you still haven't applied to college, you need to do this now.

Juniors: Yesterday I mentioned about the junior student and parent registration meetings and I also wanted to remind you that all juniors will be taking the ACT at school on February 27th (and you do NOT have to do anything to be able to register for that test.  However, I also know that many students are considering the ACT in February or the SAT in March - the deadline to register for the February ACT is today (Friday, January 12th) and the March SAT deadline is February 9th.

Sophomores: You have been through a year and a half of high school.  Before long you will be taking your End of Course (EOC) exams for this year.  It is important to realize that you will, most likely, be taking 4 of the EOC exams this year which is double what you had to do last year.  I know that they take a lot of time and can create stress, but remember, what you are doing in class today and every day is preparing you for these tests.  Please be sure to maximize your learning in class each day.  I promise, you will be glad that you focused so that you will be able to earn the points you need on the tests this year without having to worry about repeating these tests again in future years.

Freshmen: By now you understand the way high school works and what to expect on a day to day basis.  It is time to start figuring out how you can make a positive impact on the school and community.  How can you get involved?  What clubs, activities, or sports are you interested in joining?  Take actions today to explore areas that will help you in the future.

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