Sunday, January 21, 2018

Cap and Gown Reminder

I don't know about all of you, but last week felt like a REALLY long 3 day week.  I have no clue how we are going to adjust to this week's 5 day week!  :-)  It will be busy for sure.

Over the weekend I kept having my mind wander to the fact that seniors, you are now just 4 months from graduation!  How crazy is that? 

As you start thinking ahead to graduation, I'd like to remind you of a few things...

1. You have to finish your graduation requirements successfully!  I spent part of the weekend going through and doing credit checks for all of you.  Do NOT let up now.  You still have classes that you need to pass in order to graduate!

2.  You need to order your cap and gown!  WKHS works with National Recognition Products for the cap and gowns as well as announcements if you are interested in those.  You can order your cap and gown directly off of their website which is:  All students should order their cap and gown by January 31st.  They will still be available after that date, but for an additional cost.  You must wear a cap and gown in order to participate in the commencement ceremony.

3.  This isn't a mandatory requirement for graduation as the two points above are, but important just the same are your senior pictures!  Mrs. Mullen needs your senior picture for the yearbook and she asks that they be submitted to her by January 31st.  If you will not hit this deadline, please talk to her so that she knows your picture is still coming and when she can expect it.

Graduation will be here before you know it!  So take care of the things that you need to complete now to be prepared.

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