Sunday, December 3, 2017

End of Course Assessments

This week many of our sophomores, juniors and seniors will start taking End of Course assessments.  These are the tests that you need to take to help you reach your graduation goals.  The scores you earn on these assessments will contribute toward your total points so I encourage you to take your time, do your best, but don't stress over them.

As a reminder, end of course assessments are offered in English 1, English 2, Math 1, Math 2, Biology, US History and Government.  You will need to earn 4 points from English, 4 points from Math, 6 points from Science and Social Studies and 4 additional points from any of the categories.  It isn't the best to have the timing for the End of Course assessments be at the same time as your final preparations for semester exams, but remember, these tests are in alignment with the exams you are taking for the classes so in that regard it is helping you to be prepared for your semester exams.  The reality is though, these testing dates are set by the state and not by our district so we are just following through on the requirements set for us.

Good luck to all of you who are taking the End of Course assessments - don't stress - just show what you know!

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