Monday, November 27, 2017

Cocoa and Cram

Over the next 3 days all freshman students will be invited to participate in "Cram and Cocoa" sessions during your lunch periods.  These study strategy sessions will be held in Room 120 which is just off the Commons area and the Counseling Center.  Cocoa and Cram is provided by the Link Leaders and serves as a great opportunity for students to get a jump start on effectively preparing for exams. 

You now have just 11 days of classes to not only learn and master everything you are currently covering in class, but also to go back and study to refresh the material you have covered since August when we returned to school.

The Link Leaders have been providing these "Cram and Cocoa" sessions for the last 5 years to help every student feel successful heading into exams.  The feedback I heard from all of my students who participated in the past was that it was incredibly helpful.  I sincerely hope you will take advantage of their willingness to help you prepare!

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