Sunday, October 15, 2017

There is no better time & This Week

As we head into the final week of the quarter, I am reminded of a phrase that Mr. Cooke (a former WKHS English teacher) used to say often to his students - There is no better time.  He is right.  There is no better time!

It is normal to tell ourselves that we will do an assignment, write an essay, or clean up our room later.  I suspect you are like me in telling yourself things like, "I have a lot of work to do tonight, I will work on it tomorrow" or "It's the weekend, I deserve to relax today, I will work on it tomorrow" or "It's for school, I will wait and do it during the week."  Whatever the phrases that you tell yourself, I encourage you to pause and really see this for what it is - a procrastination strategy.

Believe me, I do understand that this is common.  Unfortunately, I am seeing a great deal of it right now with students who need to be working on their college applications and especially with drafting their essays.  It becomes so easy to think that you will work on the essay tomorrow or next weekend, but there really is no better time.  The moment when you have right now is the best time to begin working on your application.  Something else will always come up - a paper, more homework, something fun that you want to do with your friends, spending time with your family, sleeping, and the list goes on and on.
With it being the final week of the quarter it will be a busy week of papers, tests, and quizzes, but there are also several key events you and your parents will likely want to know about and remember.

Tomorrow, Monday, October 16th and Wednesday, October 18th, are Parent/ Teacher Conferences.

Monday, October 16th at 7pm in the WKHS Auditorium is also the Planning for College Information Night.  This evening is primarily targeted at junior students and parents, but freshmen and sophomore students and parents wanting to get a glimpse at what to expect ahead are definitely invited to attend as well.

Wednesday, October 18th from 5:00 - 7:00pm in the Computer Lab is the College Application Completion Workshop.  All seniors who have not completed ALL of their applications are strongly encouraged to spend a few hours working on your applications.  Bring your materials and work on filling out Common App, drafting and revising your essay, filling out your transcript release card, etc.  If you still have work to do on your applications this is FOR YOU!

The quarter ends on Thursday and you do not have school on Friday so that is always something to look forward to as well.

Clearly, it will be a busy week.  So I hope you will please try to use each day productively.  There is no better time than now.  It will be worth it in the long run!

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