Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!  I hope that you are helping your parents by handing out candy to the little kids in your neighborhood as they come through for trick-or-treating.  (And enjoying a few bites of candy for yourself too.)

I am biased, but this is the cutest little devil I have ever seen...
This is my 5-year-old nephew, Brady, who saw a devil costume in one of his Disney Halloween shows and ran excitedly to tell my sister that he "wanted to dress up like the red duck."  So, a devil he is.

I also wanted to mention (especially after talking about volunteering yesterday) that I am proud of all of you who volunteered your time this evening to go trick-or-canning to help gather food for the Worthington Food Bank.  You made a difference to many people because of your efforts tonight!

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