Sunday, September 3, 2017

Test Optional Colleges

The best predictors of success in college is how well you have done in high school as evidenced by your GPA.  This is particularly important for students who struggle with tests.  I know that the college admissions tests can be really stressful to students (and parents), but it is important to know that not every college requires strong test scores... in fact, there are many colleges that do not require ANY test scores when evaluating applicants for admission.

The website Fair Test is the National Center for Fair and Open Testing. Their site features a list of colleges that are test score optional schools. This hopefully reminds you that any one aspect of your college application does not make or break you - there are always more options to explore until you find the college that is the best fit for you.

If you are feeling stressed about your test scores, please stop by and talk to me about it.  Remember, though, your scores - if required at all - are just one piece of the puzzle and you are more than just a number!

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