Tuesday, August 15, 2017

School night (for Freshmen)

It's a school night... for the freshmen!  I am so excited to get the 2017-18 school year underway.  I look forward to seeing each of you, hearing about your summers, and finding out what is new and exciting in your lives.  Tomorrow though, the whole day is for and about the freshmen who make up the Class of 2021.

Yes, that means that the majority of sophomores, juniors and seniors have one more day of summer vacation.  The exception to that is those of you who will be attending the Delaware Area Career Center - your classes start at DACC tomorrow.  There will also be a lot of upperclassmen at WKHS tomorrow to help lead the freshmen day and they have been working hard to prepare to make sure it will be a great day.  I know that I am looking forward to having the chance to meet all of the freshmen during the day.

I think what I like best about the start of a new year is that it is like an unopened present - full of excitement, hope, and possibility.  You get to make this year whatever you want it to be and I hope that it will be your best year yet.  Get a good night's sleep because 7:45am will feel really early!

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