Thursday, June 1, 2017

Let Summer Begin

While it was only a few days longer than all of you, it felt like an eternity. This last week has been so busy and I felt as if I was running in a million different directions trying to get everything wrapped up for the school year. Plus, I always just like it better when you are around so being at school without you is not nearly as fun.  (Lexi desperately misses you too!)

I wanted to remind all students and parents that report cards are not mailed home, but they are available for you to access and print from Infinite Campus.  Additionally, your transcripts have been updated so you can see what that looks like too - including your GPA.

And, as of tonight, I am happy to say that I am now officially on summer break too! :-) As a result that means I will no longer be able to receive voicemail messages at school until I am back in the building and e-mails will probably take longer to be answered.  However, since I can access e-mails from home, please know that if you need something from me, e-mail is definitely the way to go!  

I have several blog postings that I want to get up here soon, but over the summer I will not be updating it as often as I do during the school year.  Thanks for being patient and understanding when I disappear from my blog for a while.

I hope you are enjoying the start to your summer!

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